Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ski Lift Advice

On Saturday, I was invited to work an event for SOBE Life Water at a teeny, tiny ski hill here in CT. The chance to strap on my snowboard and hit any kind of slopes, for free, while promoting a decent product is always hard to pass up...but especially when it is so warm out that I was able to snowboard all day in a t-shirt!

So off I went...and it was a very fun day. While boarding, I wound up on the ski lift with a member of the hill's ski patrol. I am not an introvert, so quickly struck up a conversation with the older gentleman. He inquired about my t-shirt which gave away the fact that I was working the SOBE promotion on the hill. I told him how I work weekends for a promotional event company for "fun" money. After that, I explained how I work from home full-time, and recently took on my first venture into the sales field with Lares.

I told him how intimidated I was to get into a fully commission-based income, and he simply agreed and said, " don't don't eat."

We had a chuckle and then I, in the natural flow of conversation, asked what he did for a living. He smirked and said, "I'm a sales manager for a plumbing distributor."

It was a very funny moment, but he immediately started telling me about his 35 years in the business and how selling a product is really not about the product at all...Although you have to KNOW your product, he said, it's about selling yourself.

This is a very quality piece of free advice that I plan to take with me into my ventures with Chris Nickerson's company.

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